120 Years Legend of Light and Beauty

120 Years Legend of Light and Beauty


Year 2015 is the Austria Swarovski 120th anniversary. Today Swarovski has become the representative of best crystal. In 120 years ago, when Daniel Swarovski invented automatic cutting machine for crystal, he had no idea that it is his dream, wisdom and technology that would fully show the charm of crystal hundred years later.

In a long time of 120 years, Swarovski keep the faith for excellence, bring fashion and art into bright world and inspire the top artists for furniture, lighting, artwork fields in the world. That makes man amazed. From Coco Channel, Christina Dior and Balenciaga to Alexander McQueen, Giorgio Armani and Jean Paul Gaultier, Swarovski® Element keeps Breakthrough creation to make designer and customer taste the unique charm of crystal.

From 1971, Swarovski® Element began to intersperse Chinese luxuries, included the light of king - OLANIES!

Hong Kong DL Group, as the first franchisor of Swarovski ® Element in Chinese lighting industry, had 30 years cooperation with Swarovski. Their crystal brand Olanies choose global top Swarovski® Element to achieve the Seven-Star quality of Olanies crystal lighting together with DL.

In Swarovski 120th anniversary, as the 30 years partner, Hong Kong DL Group will keep cooperation with Swarovski and show the most brilliant crystal lighting in China high-end market.

